Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Becoming An Efficient And Effective Collection Agent: Some Helpful Tips

Many beginning collection agents carry the mindset that the job requires a confrontational attitude. But this is not the case: getting the job done best begins with a willingness to listen and to empathize with people.

Debt collection can become messy if the collector comes into the picture unwilling to negotiate. The idea is to work together with the debtor, and this starts with listening. Whether on the phone or at a set meeting, the customer should be allowed to talk and explain. This type of communication progresses into trust, and allows the debtor to be more at ease with the collector.

Image source: firecredit.eu

Don’t rush. Start your turn in the conversation by offering your name and the company you represent, even if you know it’s the umpteenth call for the day. Take your time in explaining the situation to the debtor. The tone of your voice will direct the flow of the conversation. Lay down the argument and the legal aspects clearly, including bankruptcy procedures and how non-payment affects credit rating.
Also, be concise but transparent; avoid repeating the same points but make sure that the credit situation is clear, including the repercussions of not addressing it. Proceed by presenting the best routes and recourses to deal with the problem.

Image source: webstarts.com

Lastly, no matter what happens, relax and keep your cool. Even if the debtor gets agitated and starts shouting at you. It’s not worth ruining the rest of your day. Keep in mind that it’s not about you.

Brennan & Clark LLC is a business collections agency that provides customized receivables support solutions that help businesses eliminate credit losses. It has been operating since 1980. For more on the firm’s service offerings, drop by this page.

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