Friday, December 21, 2018

An introduction to small business debt collection

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Small business owners might find it a challenge to collect payments from clients. While there are some customers who just choose to forget about their unpaid bills, some actually have real, understandable reasons for their failure to pay. However, whatever these may be, a business has the right to collect the amount owed to them by its clients.

A business owner must not take it personally when a consumer misses a payment. The best thing to do is to look into the problem, find solutions, and prevent its recurrence. Businesses have to be proactive and provide gentle reminders immediately after the invoice due date.

One pro tip in small business debt collection is gradually increasing assertiveness in the follow up communication. The initial call, letter, or email must offer the customers the benefit of the doubt and should be made with a positive and kind tone. However, by the third collection reminder, the tone may be changed to a more direct and assertive tone, without sounding unprofessional and offensive.

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Various channels in handling invoicing and debt collection should be utilized. Email reminders are likely to be buried in a busy inbox. Additional means of reaching out to consumers who have missed payments, such as phone calls and even hard copy reminders on their doorstep, should be utilized.

This task should be designated to specialized employees within the business, who must then be provided the appropriate training, support, and incentive. Spending too much time and resources on debt collection can be taxing for the operations of a small business. When an account is long overdue, it may be time to ask professional help from a debt collection agency.

Brennan and Clark is a business collections firm that has been in the business for over 30 years. The firm’s management team has been together for the past two decades, and the combined experience and expertise of its staff enable the company to guarantee higher average recovery rates than the industry average. For more updates on business collection, subscribe to this blog.

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