Monday, March 11, 2019

How to choose a good collection agency

Collection agencies play a major role in retrieving money that is owed to a business, especially if big amounts are involved. Choosing a good collection agency takes a lot more than knowing if they can get money for you. Brennan & Clark, a top collections agency, shares tips on how to choose a good collection agency for your business.

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Identify the agency’s success rates. Debt collection is a cutthroat industry, and success rates could vary. You would want to seek the assistance of a debt collector that has a good history of successful retrievals. Brennan & Clark suggests that you should look for agencies that provide comprehensive reporting, spin-down reports, and is transparent to the costs of legal fees.

Check for required licensing. Under collection laws, agencies must have a license to practice in the state that their office is located. If your business deals all over the country, you will need a collection agency that is licensed in all areas where all the debtors or your customers live.

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Seek for an agency that values technology and training. The most competent debt collection agencies have the best software and location tools in their industry. You can ask what kind of software they use and you can even look online with regards to the reputation of their company.

Brennan and Clark is a business collections agency that aids entrepreneurs in eliminating credit losses. It works closely with clients formulate an effective plan that augments the clients’ collection strategies. For more articles like this, visit this page.

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