Friday, March 27, 2020

Business loan mistakes your company should avoid

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Small and medium businesses are often at risk of bankruptcy due to cash flow problems. Lack of customers or customers who fail to make timely payments can easily throw a wrench into your well-functioning cash flow system and ruin everything. This is why some businesses take loans to keep their business running. But according to Brennan and Clark, not all loans are good for your company. Here are some business loan mistakes you need to avoid.

High finance charges: The easier to get your loan approved, the more difficult it is to settle it. This is often the case of loans with high-interest rates. At the end of each payment period, your money goes to paying the interest rather than paying off the debt. If your business is still struggling while you’re trying to pay off a loan, these high finance charges could bleed your business dry.

Luxury purchases: There are times when business owners are confident in their upcoming sales that they go and make credit purchases to get luxury items for the workplace. And while the intention might be good, putting your cash flow at risk for a new office toy might not be worth it. Things can go south real quick in real life.

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Expanding too soon: A lot of entrepreneurs tend to become aggressive when they have the momentum. When things are looking great, they might want to capitalize on their win by taking a new loan to expand operations. According to finance experts at Brennan and Clark, doing so and failing could end up affecting your successful business. In fact, the losses incurred from the other business could end up taking down the first one with it.

Brennan and Clark is a business collections firm that has been in the business for over 30 years. The firm’s management team has been together for the past 20 years, and the combined experience and expertise of its staff enables the company to guarantee higher average recovery rates than the industry average. For more reads on debt settlement and finance, visit this page.

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